Our References
The brands we work with that we are proud to work for
Siliva Textile
Siliva Textile has been one of the strongest textile companies in the region, with a total of 10.000 m² of factory space, since 2012, in the district of Silvan in Diyarbakır. We aim to constantly raise our quality standards and promote more conscious work to provide a safer work environment and achieve better results. We are proud to work with some of the brands.

Our Services
5000 m² Operating Area
300 Personnel
Daily Production Capacity of 30,000
Compliance with ICS Regulations
Close Contact with Nature
Continuous Improvement
Photos of our factory with a daily production capacity of 30,000 units and our team members…
Euro D Business World Program / Siliva Textile
Euro D İş Dünyası Programı / Siliva Tekstil
Siliva Textile’s ready-to-wear clothing to fashion country Italy / Southeast Express
Silvan’dan moda ülkesi İtalya’ya hazır giyim/ Güneydoğu Ekspres
Siliva Textile’s ready-to-wear clothing export to Italy
Silvan’dan İtalya’ya hazır giyim ihracatı